The Mind Creative DEC 2013
Dear Friends,
Recently the world lost
Nelson Mandela. He
was one of those rare
shaped history. Much
has been said and
written about him and
there is hardly anything
that I can add to the enormous
amount of literature dedicated to
him. I therefore decided to look
behind that signature smile and do
a photo-feature about the legend;
putting together some rare and
interesting photos together with
some of the most memorable
quotes from him.
There are some interesting pieces
in this issue including a photo
feature on Paris from the
Bohemian Eye. I decided to let the
photos speak for themselves
because the images captured
through the lenses speak volumes
about the city of love.
On the question of short stories, I
have always wondered as to how
short can a short story get. My
treatise on this rather intriguing
topic might be of some interest
to readers of this magazine who
are also aspiring writers.
And here is some good news.
The Facebook group “The Mind
Creative Readers” has over 500
members now and growing by
the day. If you have a presence
on Facebook then you can
request a membership into this
group and also put a “LIKE” on
the page:
Its the onset of the festive
season and, as always, it
heralds peace, love and
compassion. I wish every
reader the very best for
Christmas and the new year.
Happy reading!!