The Mind Creative APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 | Page 10

Srinivasa Ramanujan One of the greatest mathematical minds To put it in simple terms, Srinivasa Ramanujan was a simple, impoverished Indian man with a great interest in the higher realms of mathematics. He never had any formal education in mathematics but developed his early interest in the subject from a book that he chanced upon. He hardly did well at school (except, of course, in mathematics) and ended up as a clerk in the Madras Port Trust in India. However he kept handwritten notes of his mathematical theories, theorems and algorithms that he ultimately sent to Prof. Hardy at Cambridge. The notes were so impressive that Hardy brought Ramanujan to Cambridge. The collaboration between the two based on Ramanujan’s theories , changed the world of mathematics forever. Today, Ramanujan’s works have impacts on a huge array of topics including string theory and crystallography and he is compared to geniuses like Issac Newton and Archemedis. 10