The Military Wife Winter 2011 | Page 20


(continued from pg. 17)

Right: Some units boast generous square footage and more extravagant embellishments such as faux-panes, solid crown moldings and luxiuriant and private outdoor space. The furnishings in this particular unit are not so heavy as to diminish from the structure and the classic housing unit wall-covering.

Below: The meticulous housekeeper of this open-concept unit explains," We weren't always so fortunate in our assigned quarters; we once got stuck with a plain four bedroom place with neighbours on both sides. With our son living at home still, it was very difficult for us to function is so plebian a space. Since my husband is an officer, we demanded a more appropriate unit for his rank. Even though the housing agency says that there is no longer any discrimination based on rank, we've been fortunate enough that most non-commissioned members could never afford one of these bigger places. Can you imagine, those people in our neighbourhood?"