Concise and easy to read,
The Job Hunter's Guide
has all the important information one would need to navigate the job seeking journey:
* Networking;
* Research;
* Informational interviews;
* Writing resume and cover letters;
* Preparing for a job interview;
* Interview do's and don'ts;
* Questions to expect;
* Answering difficult questions; and
* Interview follow-up.
It’s not only at pub crawls that you might find potential employment. Tell your spouse’s co-workers and their spouses about your qualifications and your skills. Ask them for suggestions on where you might find unadvertised jobs and companies that are hiring.
Do It Yourself
If you’re just not finding that fast food is your thing, or the younger shooter girl is showing off more skin and taking all your tips, become your own boss. Some military wives have found success in self-employment by becoming independent consultants, which works great for those with a Psychology, Sociology or any Human Services experience. Childcare will always be in demand and those with cerficates in Early Childhood Education or Pediatrics would do well to consider making a day
-care centre from their PMQ. For those with experience in Nutrition, Engineering or Culinary Arts, an ever-growing segment of military spouses are finding selling baked goods to be a lucrative business. Knit and crochet goods are also an online top-seller. Worried that your Arts degree might go to waste? Buy an expensive camera, start clicking with the other mamarazzi, and call yourself a professional photographer!
Finding or creating a job doesn’t have to remain a challenge, just because more companies prefer to hire someone who won’t flake out every time their spouse goes away. You can pick and choose from any number of great places to work, or choose the route more and more military wives are going. Whether you find employment under someone else or become your own boss, you’re well on your way to satisfactory and fulfilling employment.
~by Candace Spencer