Stories from the Front Lines – Each month I’ll share stories of what I’m seeing from the front
lines as an entrepreneur, real estate broker, husband, and father.
We Can Make A Difference
In every community there are people that want to make a
difference. They want to impact lives. They want to be
part of something bigger than themselves. The problem is
people are not rich, not even close. So 99% of people who
could write a $100 check to a local charity don’t, because
they don’t believe that a $100 check will make an impact.
In the business world this problem is often solved by
crowd funding. If you give a $100 check to an
entrepreneur, how far do you think he or she will get?
However, if you get a crowd of a 100 people to donate
$100 dollars each, it turns into $10,000 worth of impact.
The best part was no one person had to write a $10,000
check, but everyone was an integral piece of the puzzle
and made $10,000 worth of impact. In effect, everyone in
that crowd became an impact venture capitalist.
Seeing this phenomenon happen again and again in the
business world, a group of like-minded individuals built a
platform over the last year to make impact in
communities around the nation and the world. I’m
spearheading this effort in Boise, and I’ll be sharing details
about it very soon.
Right now I’m working out the details with my friend
Ryan Fletcher who is the inspirational leader of this new
organization. All of the time and money put in to build
this platform has been 100% donated by the founders.
There is no profit, no overhead, and there is no ulterior
motive other than creating a vehicle that will
consistently make an amazing impact on local
communities. We want the same thing so many others
want. We want to impact lives, we want to be part of
something bigger than ourselves, something amazing.
I’ll be announcing details in May through my Facebook
page, so if you are not connected with me there, look
me up… http://facebook.com/miketurnerboise
Until then I just wanted to plant a seed. I’m putting my
heart and soul into this project because the idea of how
much impact we are going to make in Boise just sets my
heart on fire. So stay tuned!