Sales Culture vs Consultant Culture
Changing the Way Real Estate Is Sold
The year I bought my first home, my wife and I were living in the
basement of a friend's house in California. Our friend, who was
retired, decided that he was going to move to a senior living
community and wanted to know if we would like to buy his
I felt like if we were going to pay all that money to sell the home,
I’d rather our friend get the money than someone we didn’t know.
We ended up deciding to keep the house; the fees associated with
selling the home were high enough that it changed our minds
about selling.
Having no idea if we even could, we asked another good friend of
ours who was a real estate agent about it. She put us in contact
with a lender and the rest is history. We bought our home with no
money down and began remodeling it. Two or three years later,
we found out our home was worth way more than what we paid
for it! Woohoo! It felt like we hit the jackpot in Vegas.
We called our Realtor friend and asked her to help us figure out
what we would net if we sold the home. But when I reviewed the
net-sheet she worked up, I felt like someone punched me in the
stomach. Having never sold a home before, I didn’t realize how
the seller pays for all the real estate fees and what the typical
costs were. I was even more floored once I learned my agent was
only getting half of what we were paying.
This was our first home in Benicia, CA
An entrepreneur and a relentless innovator of the real estate industry, Mike Turner is
the creator of the Value Drive Approach to Selling Real Estate, Agent Entrepreneurs, and the host of a
weekly radio show on real estate for over 5 years on both AM and FM stations. Turner is the CEO of
Front Street Brokers, a real estate firm he founded 10 years ago based in downtown Boise and Eagle,
Idaho. Mike also co-founded Fever Streak Press, a publishing company that has produced 2 New York
Times best selling books. Turner is a committed community advocate, and is also an Executive Board
Member of the Boise Library Foundation. Originally from a small island in Alaska, Mike with his
wife Amanda and two daughters can often be found around town enjoying all the awesome things
Boise has to offer, or you can read about their international adventures through Amanda’s books. She
writes under the pen name of AK Turner.
Always More Stories at: MikeTurnerBoise.com