The Middle School at Sevenoaks | Page 36


Aims The Geography course is about the earth ’ s landscapes , people , places and environments . Students understand their own lives in a global world and face vital global issues . Geography is an academically robust subject which promotes a lifelong interest and about how the world works .
Skills Skills focus on knowledge with understanding , data analysis , problem solving , decision making and enquiry . Geographical Information Skills ( GIS ) and presentation skills are integral to the course .
Content The Physical Geography component of the course consists of two topics : l Hazardous Environments is about three different natural hazards that threaten people : tropical cyclones , volcanic eruptions and earthquakes . Is it possible to predict when they will occur ? What can be done to minimise their destructive impacts ? l Coastal Environments studies the coast , its landforms and the processes that produce them . Coastal ecosystems are very important ; resource exploitation is just one of a number of conflicts as development and conservation come face to face . How do we ‘ best ’ manage the coast ?
The Human Geography component of the course consists of three topics : l Economic Activity and Energy is about a range of economic activities that provide people with work ; they help countries to develop and become more prosperous . Economic activities and lifestyles in the modern world are demanding more and more energy . How should we generate this energy – by using non-renewable or renewable resources ? l Urban Environments : Over half of the world ’ s population lives in urban areas . Urbanisation brings benefits but also serious costs . Different strategies are needed to deal with the challenges of urban living including sustainable urban living . Will this result in an improved quality of life for all ? l Global Issue is Globalisation and Migration : Globalisation is one of the most important processes affecting the world today and migration is one of its main outcomes . Content includes : – The factors encouraging the growth of the global economy . – The major player in that economy . – The push and pull factor responsible for today ’ s huge migration flows . – The impacts of globalisation ( TNC ’ s , migration flows , global tourism ).
– How can migration flows and global tourism by countries at different levels of development be managed ?
Both exam papers consist of a mix of multiplechoice , short structured questions , data-response and extended open-ended questions . There are no essay style questions . Fieldwork enquiry is assessed in the exam . There is no coursework element .
Enrichment There are two one day ‘ local ’ geographical field trips : a coastal enquiry trip to East Sussex and an urban enquiry trip to East London . There is a six day ‘ awe and wonder ’ residential trip to Iceland . There are Y10 and Y11 Geography Extension Clubs .