2019 + 2020 Annual Report
A Letter from Michael and Debi
Dear Friend ,
As we write this letter , it ’ s been well over a year since the world came to a standstill , and it finally feels like there ’ s a light at the end of the tunnel . We ’ re marveling at what has just been learned , or re-learned , about the power of science .
Over the past 18 months biomedical research became a household topic ( who could ever have predicted that mRNA would be the subject of a Saturday Night Live video short ?), and people all over the world banded together to come up with an answer to an urgent health need . That need manifested itself in a real desire and energy to create a success story for the ages .
And yet , if you ’ re reading this , you know only too well that it ’ s easier said than done . With your aid and partnership , the Foundation has been at it in Parkinson ’ s disease for 20 years and a billion dollars ’ worth of research . But that ' s what it takes . Our thought never has been how are we going to do it , or what ' s it going to be like ? Just : We ' re going to do it .