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JULY 2018
What do I want to accomplish? Be
specific. Many times, we waste time
dreaming about the possibilities. It’s
time to stop! Spend the time to really
understand what you want to do.
Why do I want to accomplish it?
Understand your motivation. This could
be the key to keep you going when
things don’t look like they’re working
in your favor.
Who will benefit from me achieving
it? This is your measure of impact.
I remind myself often that there are
others benefiting from my success.
Knowing who will be impacted will
help you fine tune your focus.
ime is free, but it’s priceless.
You can’t own it, but you can
use it. Once you’ve lost it you
can never get it back.” This powerful
statement was made by businessman
and author, Harvey Mackay. It’s also
the same quote that garnished the wall
of my client’s meeting room. It’s a
reminder that our time is valuable.
Although it’s intuitive, it’s so easy for
us to neglect it. What are you doing
with your time? Are you sitting and
dreaming about what could be, or are
you actively taking steps toward that
goal or aspiration?
When would I like to accomplish
it? Put a date on it. Any goal worth
accomplishi ng is worth the time it takes
to get to the finish line. Set milestones
to keep motivated.
Who can help me achieve it? Use your
network. You probably already know
someone who knows someone that can
help you. When I started my business,
I was surprised by those that were
willing to help when I asked. Know
what you need and ask for it.
It’s your time, so what are you going
to do with it? It’s valuable, so don’t
Dreaming has no risk, but as long as that waste it.
goal of going back to school, starting a
new business, starting a weight loss IDG Vision Consulting & Training
program, or getting a certification stays inspires, develops, and grows the
in your head, you’ll never achieve it. vision inside of people/organizations
You may be saying, “Where do I start?” by helping them get from where they
You can start by asking yourself a few are today (point A) to where they want
to be (point B). Contact us at 770-648-
system provided. The NCES
Household Survey showed that
there was a sharp rise in families
choosing to homeschool to
provide moral and/or religious
instruction. Other reasons, such
as having a child with special
needs or chronic illness, also
made the list as being among
the top five reasons families
to take control of their
child’s education.
ewton County resident,
Jessica Hembree has
children for the past four years.
This year, they will be entering
first, sixth and ninth grade.
The Hembree’s weren’t always
homeschooled. As a matter
of fact, the two older children
started their education in the
public school system.
When asked why her family
choose to homeschool, Jessica
online college courses from “Little House on The Prairie,”
MIT, EdX, and Coursera for with a dozen children sitting at
their high school students.
the table, hovering over their
studies, while their mother
Like many homeschooling balances a baby on her hip. Of
families, the Hembree’s are course, she guides each child,
part of a local co-op. These between stirring a huge pot of
organizations of homeschooling stew. This is far from reality.
families meet to do things There is a misconception that
all year. The Newton County only Christians homeschool
Homeschool Co-op has over 570 their children. However, there
local homeschooling families are just as many non-faith
and holds field trips, playdates, believing families that teach
athletic events, and educational their own children as those of
activities to celebrate holidays. the Christian, Jewish, Muslim
In addition, they are part of or other faiths. As Jessica stated,
of socialization, which is a
frequent argument against
homeschooling, is not an issue.
Many of the families have made
lasting friendships. Jessica
feels her children get more
socialization now than when
they were in the public schools.
Choosing to homeschool
is one of the easiest choices
a family makes during this
journey. The next choice is to
find a curriculum that works
for both the family and the
child. In Georgia, teaching your
student math, reading, language
arts, science and social studies
are mandatory. Music and the
creative arts, foreign languages,
physical education/health, and
even life skills are lessons that
families frequently include in
their children’s lesson plans.
This can become expensive. is a valid and popular option,
Publishing companies offer all- there is still some stigma. Many
inclusive packages allowing critics imagine a scene from
you to purchase everything
from teacher’s guides, student
books, planners, informational
posters, science and musical
“We were one of the many
families who had to deal with
the issue of bullying. I couldn’t
stand watching my child get
physically ill at the prospect of
going to school each day. When
the school system was unable to
do anything to help my child, we can access numerous free
knew there was another option.” state approved, educational
resources. You just need to
Like so many other families, know where to look. Websites
the Hembree’s chose to remove like Easy Peasy Homeschool
their children from the often and EPHighschool provide
chaotic and highly populated everything you need for your
Public school system to student. Some sites offer tons of
ensure their children’s well- learning material free of charge
being. Some parents feel including Khan Academy,
that their children will be MobyMax, Duolingo, Georgia
safer. According to the 2016 Public Broadcasting’s website,
National Center for Education Scholastic’s
Statistics (NCES), concern for Geo Kids website, Typing.
the student’s environment and com,, Prodigy,
safety is the number one reason and the PINES library sites.
parents choose to homeschool. Even YouTube can be an
However, two-thirds of the excellent source of information
families also cited being and tutorials from science
unsatisfied with the academic experiments to wading through
instruction that their local school a complicated mathematical
process. There are also free
“We are not all conservative
hiding our children away in
our basements.” She also
says, “Homeschoolers now
encompass every economic tier,
cultural group, race, religion,
and area.”
Families like the Hembree’s
love being able to spend time
with each other and to be a part
of the learning process. When
asked about the best part of
homeschooling, Jessica said: