The Metro Times Atlanta July 2018 | Page 11

JULY 2018 Page 11



As a Chef , many clients seek my services for an effective detox plan . Undergoing a cleanse or detox program has become all the rage in recent years , but the key to truly reaping the benefits of any detoxification plan lies in a genuine understanding of the how and why . Remember , not all detox programs are created equal , and embarking on a cleanse or detox without the proper knowledge can do more harm than good . While there are tons of approaches and pre-designed programs that you can purchase online and follow when deciding which detoxification program is right for you , know that the first step to any good detox should absolutely begin with breaking the sugar addiction .

What are the dangers of sugar ? 1 . Sugar is an Anti-Nutrient The term “ anti-nutrient ” refers to a nutrient that offers no benefits to the body and takes away nutrients . In fact , we end up using more nutrients in the energy it takes to process and assimilate refined sugar in the diet than any benefit it might give us . Sugar contains no protein , no essential fatty acids , and certainly no vitamins , minerals , or phytonutrients .
2 . A Diet High in Fructose Harms the Liver
One of the primary reasons that a good cleanse should begin with sugar detox is sugar is high in fructose , which goes directly to the liver upon consumption . As opposed to glucose , which is found in nature and is a type of sugar that the body needs ( to a certain extent ), there is no physiological need for fructose . In a documentary titled “ Sugar , the Bitter Truth ,” Dr . Robert Lustig explains that fructose is only metabolized by the liver , which can cause severe problems if consumed in excess .
3 . Excess S u g a r Consumption Can Lead to Insulin Resistance
Insulin is the hormone that escorts glucose ( blood sugar ) into our cells and sends our cells the message to burn glucose instead of fat . However , if you have chronically high blood glucose levels ( which is actually toxic in and of itself ), this can lead to severe complications like diabetes and metabolic syndrome .
4 . Sugar Suppresses the Immune System and Could Cause Cancer
Contrary to popular belief , a giant glass of orange juice when we are sick is not the best way to get better . In his widely known research conducted in the 1970 ’ s Linus Pauling discovered that sugar and vitamin C have similar chemical structures , and the two ( very different ) compounds actually compete for space in our white blood cells . Meaning that the more sugar we eat , the lower our vitamin C content becomes . Vitamin C is a powerful immuneboosting and infection-preventing antioxidant and is put directly in harm ’ s way when being forced to compete with sugar . As noted above , sugar also has devastating effects on our metabolism , which can also lead to cancer cell proliferation .
5 . Sugar is the Leading Cause of Obesity
Plain and simple , sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption causes you to gain excessive weight . Sugar directly affects insulin and cortisol , two hormones that play a crucial role in fat storage . A study released by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition connects consumption of high-fructose corn syrup with America ’ s obesity epidemic .
How do you know if you need to do a sugar detox ?
If you have any symptoms including , frequent sugar / carbohydrate cravings , regular headaches , low energy ( dips and spikes ), mood swings , excessive irritability , muscle pains ( not exercise related ), excessive thirst or increased hunger , you may need to do a sugar detox . In reality , even if you are one of the lucky ones who does not experience some or all of these symptoms , the truth is that everyone can benefit from a simple sugar detox .
How to Do a Simple 24 Hour Sugar Detox
Start with 24 hours , and if you feel good and motivated to keep going , please do ! Most habits ( dietary and other ) can be both created and broken within approximately three weeks , so a three to four-week sugar detox is even better .
The goal of your sugar detox is to maintain stable blood sugar levels by breaking the vicious cycle of a high carbohydrate and sugar-based diet . Foods that consist mainly of carbs ( and particularly when not accompanied by high-quality protein and fat ), instantly work to spike our blood sugar levels , which energizes us for a short period and then causes a sudden energy dip . We then find ourselves craving more of the same foods and beverages to recover our crashing energy levels and thus repeats the cycle .
For 24 hours , minimize not only refined sugar but all foods that provide a sweet sensation . Although fruit contains natural sugar , during a sugar detox , it is best to avoid .
For 24 hours , completely avoid aspartame ( Equal ), saccharin ( Sweet n Low ), stevia that is white ( Truvia ), sucralose ( Splenda ), HFCS ( High Fructose Corn Syrup ), honey , maple syrup , molasses , agave syrup , date , palm , and coconut sugar , fruit juice , all fruit , all packaged / processed foods ( if it has an ingredient list , avoid it ), diet or sugar-free foods ( highly processed ), coffee , dairy , soda and alcohol . You should also avoid refined carbohydrates including bread , bagels , brownies , cakes , candy , cereal , chips , cookies , crackers , cupcakes , muffins , oats , pasta , spaghetti , pastries , pizza , popcorn , tortillas , and couscous . The vegetables you should avoid include potatoes , sweet potatoes , yams , winter squash , and corn .
Foods you should eat during your sugar detox :
• All meat ( opt for grass-fed , organic , pasture-raised whenever possible ).
• Wild caught fish .
• All vegetables except those mentioned above .
• Raw nuts and seeds and their kinds of butter including almonds , walnuts , pecans , sesame , hemp , and flax seeds .
• Good fats , including avocado , coconut oil , grass-fed butter , ghee , olive , sesame and flax oils .
• Herbal teas .
• Unsweetened almond and coconut milk
While any detox can undoubtedly be challenging , the beauty lies in the fact that the better we feel , the more we are motivated to create longlasting diet and lifestyle changes . Breaking sugar addiction through a simple sugar detox is an excellent place to start , and might just lead you to a lifetime of healthier eating .
By Desmon Short


“ I

know I need to drink more water , but ...” So many of us know we need to drink more water , but for some reason we just don ’ t .
Our bodies are made up of almost 70 percent water , so it ’ s no surprise that drinking water is vital for our physiques to function . The amount of water you should drink each day varies depending on your age , weight , physical activity and even stress levels . Most people generally need about 8-10 cups of water , or half of your body weight in ounces of water per day . Aside from hydration , water plays a significant role in regulating metabolism ( maintaining or losing weight ) and in regulating hunger and satiety . Water can also help boost your energy . 1 . Do you feel thirsty ? Don ’ t wait until you feel parched , as this is usually a sign that you may already be dehydrated . 2 . Do you see dark colors ? When you go to the bathroom , if your urine is dark in color that ’ s a clue that your kidneys are holding onto water . You should
make up to 8 trips to the bathroom each day and your urine should be pale yellow or clear . 3 . Do you have headaches , digestive issues , fatigue , heartburn , high cholesterol , anxiety or feel irritable ? These are all potential signs of dehydration . Try drinking more water and see if your symptoms subside . As a health and wellness coach , I encourage my clients that don ’ t like the taste of water , to make their own flavored water at home . Simply cut up fresh fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers , lemons , oranges , strawberries and ginger and add them to a pitcher of water . Allow the natural flavors to infuse into your water for a cool , refreshing treat .
As always , remember to “ indulge when it ’ s worth it and pass when it ’ s not !’
Coach Venus , MBA , MAFM
Source : Beachbody


I find a positive story , I am bothered by the comments that invariably express anger and hostility instead of embracing the good . A pilot safely lands a compromised plane , and as people express their gratefulness , someone has to comment that she was just doing the job she was trained to do and it was nothing special . Why not celebrate the skill and the lives saved ?
Someone tells the story of a lost little girl protected in the woods in the cold and rain by her dog . Instead of rejoicing when she is found safe , someone has to lash out at the parents for allowing their child to wander off . Through social media , there is much more bullying and shaming others . Sometimes people on social media lash out at people they don ’ t even know .
Many comedians are no longer funny . They are sometimes mean or degrading . They lash out at a so-called enemy . It ’ s hard these days to find a show or performance to generate a good belly laugh . The Bob Hope ’ s and the I Love Lucy ’ s of the world are gone .
Unfounded charges of racism , sexism , homophobia and the like are thrown around without regard to truth . People are afraid to share their opinions because it may be misinterpreted , leading to an attack on their character , their family or their job . Protesters destroy property and attack innocent bystanders all while justifying their actions as freedom of expression . Out-of-control anger , or is it fear ? Anger is the emotion associated with the liver and is the organ most affected by excess stress or emotions . With the prevalence of stress in today ’ s society , the majority of us experience stress not only in our lives but also with our livers . Fear is the emotion associated with the kidney . The liver and kidneys are our two main detoxifying organs . Could it be that the hostility today is somehow related to the toxic onslaught impacting our two detoxifying organs ?
Does the “ meanness ” of today stem from a compromised liver and kidney leading to anger and fear ? What happens when an animal is cornered and fearful – it attacks . What happens when a child is fearful from being bullied ? The child may be violent , either against others or sometimes against themselves , engaging in self-destructive behavior .
We have become a drug-obsessed society . Our foods are filled with pesticides and chemicals . We continue to abuse our liver and kidneys with fatty
foods , tobacco , and obesity . According to the American Liver Foundation , nearly 10 % of Americans suffer from some form of liver disease . The overall prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the general population is approximately 14 percent ; over 660,000 Americans have kidney failure .
Although I ’ m sure there is a multitude of reasons for anger and fear in our society , I hypothesize that a portion is related to the health of our kidneys and liver . I believe that just as liver and kidney disease contribute to anger and fear , so too , the expression of anger and fear contribute to the ill health of the liver and kidneys . So , what can you do about it ? Avoid chemical drugs unless we absolutely need them ; try natural alternatives instead , such as diet changes , massage , supplements , chiropractic , homeopathy , exercise , meditation , prayer or acupuncture .
If overweight , make a commitment to lose weight . Being overweight leads to the chronic diseases calling for pharmaceutical drugs , which in turn , increase the assault on the liver . Moderate your fat consumption .
Eat organic and unprocessed foods whenever possible ; the more processed the food , the more chemicals . Also , eat more fresh fruits and vegetables .
Cut down on alcohol consumption or eliminate consumption . If you smoke , quit . Limit direct contact with toxins from cleaning and aerosol products , insecticides , chemicals , and additives . If you must use these chemicals , wear gloves and make sure the area is well ventilated . The liver and kidneys are not only affected by what you ingest but also what you inhale and what is absorbed through your skin .
Think and act positive and happy until you are . You ’ ve heard the saying , “ Fake it ‘ till you make it .” When you feel your anger or fear rising and are tempted to say or do something negative , try to replace it with a positive affirmation or an act of kindness . Eventually , it will become second-nature , and you will nurture your liver and kidney rather than inflict damage .
It may be a far-fetched notion to relate the prevalence of anger and fear in today ’ s world to physical health . However , if you practice healthy habits , what ’ s the best that can happen ? You just might feel better and have a happier outlook on life .
By Marge Roberts , BSN , MSHP , DAHom