The META Scholar Volume 6 | Page 37

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of M.E.T.A. Scholar is to provide an educational voice for the wide-range area of healthcare technology related sciences and engineering students, peers, and other online learners. We do that in three ways: • by providing open access, so that people can utilize any of our published articles for multiapplications at will, so long as you reference properly. • by providing engaging didactic analysis of the often complex problems encountered within the medical engineering sciences corps; and • by providing a forum for the exchange of all ideas within our community. The META Scholar’s is for educational purposes only style journal that is published quarterly by the professionals listed under the M.E.T.A. education committee. Readers are encouraged to submit articles, photos, and comments at anytime . Suggestions and constructive criticisms are always welcomed. New Subscribers: Download membership link New Comments: E-mail: vice_president@bmet4life or or [email protected]