The META Scholar Volume 6 | Page 32

PRO-Words Some PRO-words to make you … sound like the expert. Telemetry transmitter—a transmitter consisting of a set of measuring instruments, an encoder that translates instrument readings into analog or digital signals, a modulator, and a wireless transmitter with an antenna. [Medical device] Ventilators—are medical devices designed to provide automated ventilator support to patients during inter-hospital or intra-hospital transport and in emergency situations. The operation and control of these ventilators are intentionally simplified; they are compact, lightweight (i.e., less than 5 kg), rugged devices. [Medical device] Real Property Installed Equipment (RPIE) are any structures or improvements that are attached to the land must not be movable in order to be considered real property. Real Property are lands, buildings, structures, utilities systems, improvements, and appurtenances thereto. Includes equipment attached to and made part of buildings and structures (such as heating systems), but not movable equipment (such as plant equipment). [Facilities Engineering] Source Code— In computer science, source code (also known as code, machine code or machine language) is any collection of computer instructions (sometimes with comments) written using some human-readable computer language, usually as text. The source code of a program is specially designed to facilitate the work of computer programmers, who specify the actions to be performed by a computer mostly by writing source code. The source code is often transformed by a compiler program into low-level machine code understood by the computer. The machine code might then be stored for execution at a later time. Alternatively, an interpreter can be used to analyze and perform the effects of the source code program directly on the fly. [IT] WikiBMET University— is an online learning portal for biomedical equipment technology/biomedical engineering students. Add BMETWiki to your website links. [Education] WikiNetworks (meCLOUD) — is a new FREE social and networking solution that merges the disciplines of biomedical equipment technology, healthcare technology management, facilities engineering, and information technology together as one networking belongs to YOU! [networking]