Hammurabi is best known for a set of laws
called Hammurabi's Code, which are the first
recorded codes ever written in human history.
The 282 code of laws were inscribed on stone
(stelae) stand 8' tall, and are of
unknown provenance. No middle eastern truly
knows just no middle eastern born in Persia and
another born in Iraq can tell me, "What is the
Persian Gulf real name?"
The proud people
from Persia would say "The Persian Gulf" while
the proud people of Iraq would say "The Arab
Gulf." So, which is it and the debate will forever
Hammurabi Code
by Chris Correll
The paraphrase of "An eye for an eye",
In a recent trip, I found my self on an along with formal written laws, goes back to
educational rite of passage or vision quest ancient Mesopotamian era that prospered long
towards knowledge and enlightenment. Yes, it before the Bible was written or the civilizations
was in Wisconsin’s and it was a cold, -40 below of the Greeks or Romans flowered.
weather where I came across an interesting
and now friend named Zadir. In a
classroom with nothing but foreigners and only
Why are codes so important?
Because they're law!
two Americans including myself everyone would
begin a lengthy discussion on their rich history Biomeds owe Hammurabi thanks for his
and cultures. During a late night study session introduction of code because without codes to
is where I learned about a King by the name of follow including 21 CFR, NFPA, etc...there
would be no public protection from harm.
He (died c. 1750 BC) was the sixth king of
Babylon from 1792 BC to 1750 BC. He became REFERENCES
the first king of the Babylonian Empire and his US History.Org. ."Hammurabis Code: An eye
empire controlled all of Mesopotamia which is http://www.ushistory.org/civ/4c.asp
known today as Iraq, until the the time of his