The META Scholar Volume 5 | страница 5

EDITOR Contributing Editor(s) Name: Alberto Vasquez Current Town: San Antonio, TX Education: MSMOT Certifications: CCE, CRES, CBET, CLES My Link: BIO Alberto was recently promoted to Assistant Professor and Director of the Program for Management Programs in Health Technology St Philips College, a member of the Alamo Colleges in San Antonio, TX. These include the AAS in Biomedical Engineering Technology and a certificate of progress in health technology management. As a master certified, is responsible for research, planning and execution of the grant program degree and certificate. The BMET program includes course to qualify for the A +, Net + and Security + certification exams, along with the basics of medical devices in order to prepare for CBET. He also owns a small engineering company VasCorp Clinical Engineering, online certification industry and continuing education. He is president of education for the GOAL.