? = the regression coefficient; X = the exogenous (independent) variable; and ? = a random error or residual term. Remember when you thought you thought you were wasting your time in algebra? Well, the reader can find some consolation for their attendance if they can recall their understanding of the slope of a line (y = mx + b). The final equation is actually a result of examination of the relationships among the three latent variables, as follows: Structural complexity positively affects
Recommendation In the cost sensitive healthcare environment, the study finds several simple solutions to increase the hospital level of quality through structural predictors and processes across departments. Cumulatively, these items suggest that integration of the biomedical engineering technician into the hospital delivery system can improve the hospital level of quality by increasing interprofessional communication and collaboration. Therefore, it is not surprising that the two of the five leading factors of Structural Complexity that contribute to Level of Quality are sub-scales of organizational culture. They are 1) uniform standards which measures the extent that “Standards are applied equally across all departments”, and 2) inter-professional training, which measures the extent that “The organization values contributions to other staff members’ professional development”. The survey of BMETs revealed that Uniform Standards was a significant indicator of quality as about 53
process adequacy. Process Adequacy = ?0 + ?1Structural Complexity + ?i The level of quality is influenced directly by structural complexity and process adequacy: Level of Quality = ?0 + ?1Structural Complexity + ?2 Process Adequacy + ?i
per cent of respondents either strongly agree or agree that The survey of BMETs revealed that Uniform Standards