The META Scholar Volume 5 | Page 2

Thank You! ¡Gracias! Je vous remercie! Grazie! Dear Sponsor: On behalf of Medical Equipment and computer Technology Association (META), we would like to thank you for showing your support and sponsorship of us. Support was dedicated open many new opportunities for these men and women in the field of Health Technology Management in order to further develop their professional skills. His contribution to participate in training and offer valuable networking events to expand their discipline and character, inside and outside of work, which is invaluable to the future of our health. As you can imagine, there are expenses associated with the management of a high caliber team like this. They provide our service sponsorship and continued support we offer to all our members. Your contribution is not only a gift of charity, but also an advertising opportunity. Without the support of people like you, we would not be able to achieve our goals. Thanks again for the generous support of our volunteer team of professionals. Very respectfully, META President [email protected]