The META Scholar Volume 4 | Page 8

Editors’ Notes What famous engineer or scientist throughout history do you idolize? By Lub and Dub (for those of you who listened to the ‘car guys’, will understand this reference) How have engineers and scientist from the past inspired you? Looking in the glass mirror, I see my reflection and I am forever mindful of those people who made vast discoveries in mathematics, engineering, and science before me. I oftentimes wonder how will I forge a legacy of my own that will one day fit together within the community and ultimately make my own discoveries that will help others succeed. In any case, I cannot predict the future and those who already know me would tell you that I am too humble for fame. My payment is knowledge and I would conclude by saying exactly how much fun I have had along the way. I have studied great minds such as, Hieronymus Fabricius, Robert Boyle, Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, Georg Ohm, as well as Carl Gauss, Christian Doppler, Charles Wheatstone, Nikola Tesla, and more. All of which were great mathematicians, inventors, engineers, and scientists of their time. My absolute favorite is Nikola Tesla. A Croatian-born engineer who could speak eight languages, and almost single-handedly developed technology that harnessed the power of electricity for wireless household use. Nikola invented electrical generators, tFM radio, remote control, robots, spark plugs, fluorescent lights, and giant -a$$ machines that shoot enormous, lightning bolts all over the place —Tesla Coils. Tesla had an unyielding, photographic memory and an insane ability to visualize and simplify even the most complex pieces of machinery – the man did advanced calculus and physics equations in his head, memorized entire books at a time, and successfully pulled off scientific experiments that modern-day engineers STILL can't replicate. Nikola held 700 patents at the time of his death which qualifies him as “elite!” What does it mean to be a true engineer or scientist? Perhaps, it means to serve the public and devote yourself utterly to a set of high moral principles and standards. Possibly for us, it means to master the way of the electron. Or maybe it means to seek a calmness of your mind and remain passionate for those things which are “unknown” and investigate why. When we wake every morning we should devote ourselves to this style of perfection and always remain—disciplined! Here will be your first test… Remember there is no pass or fail and no certification for getting the right answer. I can only offer you one goal that we, as engineers, must achieve and that is—knowledge! Can you break this hacker’s code? M3rry chR1Stmaz AND hApPY n3w y3ARZ 3V3rY0N3 PHr0M M3ta.