Eng. M.Sc. Rogelio Leyva Ochoa
The purpose of this paper is to enhance the basic principles
of the physic knowledge used in the technique of ultrasound
imaging shown in the first paper, especially regarding ultrasound probes, to achieve it there have been included new topics, and also we have gone deepen into other ones briefly explained before.
Learning objectives: Basic principles of ultrasound probes.
In this article you will:
Be able to describe how the mechanics ultrasound probes
transmit the ultrasound lines needed to build the ultrasonic area.
Be able to describe how the mechanics ultrasound probes
receive the echoes coming from the tissues.
Be able to describe how the electronics ultrasound probes
transmit the ultrasound lines needed to build the ultrasonic area.
Be able to describe how the electronics ultrasound probes
receive the echoes coming from the tissues.
Be able to describe how the electronics ultrasound delay to
the echoes coming from near, middle and far field of diagnostic
Be able to enumerate the advantages the electronic ultrasound probes have over the mechanic ones.
Be able to enumerate the basic differences between the
mechanics and electronics ultrasounds probes.
Be able to describe how phase array probes transmit the
ultrasound lines.