The META Scholar Volume 2 | Page 7

TMS Editor’s Note Page 7 Eds’ Note Cont. The solution: Working on medical devices, without a BMET school, only electronics, Science, and Engineering, I wondered if I was going to be able to work effectively. I relied on all the things I still remembered; my fundamentals. I leaned on the hard laws of physics, biology, chemistry, engineering in order to work my way through a medical device. I would like to end on my favorite scientists who stated: “Geometry does not teach us to draw these lines, but requires them to be drawn; for it requires that the learner should first be taught to describe these accurately, before he enters upon geometry; then it shows how by these operations problems may be solved.” For that reason, we in Healthcare Technology Management must not see this profession as merely following tasks, and operations, but we should learn ―why” we perform those tasks; because only this way are we able to solve problems of truly significant events, as well as reach for the stars. Who is reaching with me?