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Christopher Correll, MSIMT, CBET, A+, is a Clinical Engineer Manager at Tyndall AFB, FL. He has
15+ years of Clinical Engineering experience with focus on patient safety, technology management,
incident investigation, etc. His professional experience includes multi-account management and supervision, project management, safety, healthcare information technology, clinical research and investigation, and educational program development. He is an administrator for the BMETWiki; also an
education co-chair for META.
Alberto Vasquez, MSMOT CCE, CRES, CLES, CBET, is recently promoted to
Assistant Professor and the Program Director for the Healthcare Technology
Management Programs at St Philips College, a member of the Alamo Colleges
in San Antonio, TX . These include the A.A.S in Biomedical Engineering Technology and an Advance Certificate in Healthcare Technology Management . As
a certified Master Teacher, he is responsible for researching, planning and implementing the degree granting program and certificate. The BMET program
includes course to qualify for the, A+, Net+ and Security+ certificati on exams,
along with the fundamentals of medical devices in order to prepare for the
CBET. He is also a small business owner of Vascorp Clinical Engineering, an
online certification and continuation educating industry. He is education chair for