The META Scholar Volume 1 | Page 5 TMS 06 JANUARY 2012 TMS VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Photo By Wikipedia. In March 1845, Wilhelm was born off the lower Rhine Province of Germany. Wilhelm’s father (Friedrich Conrad Rontgen of Lennep) was a popular cloth merchant and his mother (Charlotte Constanze Frowein of Amsterdam) was from descendents within the commerce and industry fields. 1 Today, we honor Wilhelm by using his name within physics and medicine to demonstrate ionizing radiation measurements to x-ray exposure called ―Roentgen‖ or pronounced as ―Rent Jen.‖ In 1901, Rontgen won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of ―x-rays‖. Back in those times, these invisible rays were considered by leading scientists to be ―unknown.‖ In fact, that is where the term x-ray comes from or its genuine definition of x-rays being ―unknown‖ in origin. Special points of interest: Didactic Muses College Ground Case Studies Students Ground Certification prep Medical Equipment Diagnosis Other: Healthcare IT Med Tech History Highlights Games Basically, Wilhelm knew that x-rays are created when a mass flow of electrons hit a tungsten-made target surface area called an anode. Like Einstein, Rontgen attended Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, Switzerland and became a lecturer of physics at the universities of Strasbourg (1876-1879), Giessen (1879-1877, Wurzburg (1888-1900), and Munich (1900 -1920) later in his career. Wilhelm would later marry (Anna Bertha Ludwig of Zurich) and soon after pass away four years after his wife passing on February 10th, 1932 from intestinal cancer. 2 Biomeds owe him gratitude for his research for the reason that without his discoveries we most likely would not have a definitive way to measure x-ray exposure output on today’s x-ray medical devices. References: 1. Glasser, Otto., Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen and trhe Early History of Roentgen X-rays. Norman Publishing. 1993. Print. 2. Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen: Biograpghy. NobelPirze.Org. Ac cessdate 13 Oct 2011. nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1901/rontgen-bio.html Inside this issue: Schools 7 Field Case Studies 8 Students Corner 12 CBET Prep 15 Medical Diagnosis 16 Other: IT 20 MTH 23