to outward knowledge are practically rejecting the
source of life. They are actually ignoring the real
The world that we are living in today is only for
a brief sojourn. It is like a makeshift arrangement.
Where do we go after we die here and what is it that
dies in us? Are we left with any other element
of life after death, or do we become part of
What dies in us is a deceptive form
of life; this form of life did not exist
before our entry into this world and it
will not exist after our departure from
it. The eternal life belongs to your soul.
Spirituality is what we really need,
which is why His Divine Eminence
Gohar Shahi has laid an enormous
amount of emphasis on acquiring
spir itual expertise. This is the type
of knowledge that will benefit
your eternal life.
Today, people live a religious
life as a Christian, Hindu, Sikh,
Muslim, Jew etc. They spend
most of their time in the worship
places. They do every good thing
stated in their respective holy
scriptures, but when they die, their
souls are dormant. Their souls are naïve
to God. When they go back into the world of
spirits, they are as blank as they were when
they were sent into this world. Their purpose
is lost.
Unfortunately, individuals whose focus is on
outward religiosity will suffer in the end. They
will be in possession of nothing. They will not be
treated either as a true follower of Moses, Jesus
or Prophet Mohammad by God. Successful are
those who manage to spiritualise their inner
God created our souls but our bodies
were formed in the womb. When we leave this
world, our bodies perish in the graves and
our souls return to the higher realms. It is the
souls which will be connected to God, not the
bodies. Nevertheless, every religion required
its followers to adopt the outer dimension of the
religion in conjunction with its inner aspect.
His Holiness Younus AlGohar explains,
‘The main theme of the human reality
is to take care of the soul. The reason
you take care of your body is that those
souls are contained in this body, and
you have to spend some time in this
Misbehaviour and disobedience to God by the
body leaves a diabolical impact on the souls. This
is why, while the inner dimension purified the
souls, the outer knowledge ensured that any filth
of the body did not harm the quality of one’s soul.
So in actuality, it is not the bodies which
the religions address. Rather, the religions
were meant to awaken, enlighten and nourish
your souls. Today, what people do in mosques,
churches and synagogues are but customary,
ritualistic performances of worship. The real
worship which God has entwined with your souls
can only be performed by your souls. When your
souls are awakened and activated, they become
acquainted with God’s attributes - without you
needing to make any physical effort, divine
characteristics such as compassion, generosity
and love begin to manifest in your character. If
your religion does not facilitate your souls in this,
then your religion is futile.
A religion is only valid as long as its spiritual
system is intact.
The similitude of religions is of the vital organs
in the human body.
The function of the heart is to pump,
oxygenate and purify the blood. If the arteries
around the heart have accumulated cholesterol,
toxins and free radicals, the condition of the
heart deteriorates with the passage of time.
A point comes when all the arteries leading to
the heart become completely blocked. This is
when the pulmonary valve that sits on top of the
heart stops beating. The moment the heart stops
beating, you expire.
His Holiness notes, ‘Everything that God has
created in this world is mortal. Every mortal
object has to expire at one point in time. In this
phenomenal world, the bitterest of all truths is
mortality. You cannot escape it. Everything is
mortal — and so are the religions.’
Even according to Islam’s holiest scripture,
the Koran, God says that everything is mortal for
except him. [ KORAN 28:8]
The fact that there have been so many
religions in human history is proof that the
religions we follow, the ones established by
prophets via revelation from God, are mortal.
Had they been immortal, one religion would
have sufficed the entire humankind. After some
time, with wear and tear, the spiritual systems in
these religions have eventually come to an end -
reducing them to futility.
His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi says, ‘The
celestial books in their original form only, serve
as a means to convene the aspirants to God. But
when the celestial books and their translations
were tampered with, just as adulterated flour is
harmful to the stomach, similarly these altered
books became harmful to the religions.’
When adulterations were made to the holy
scripture, the spiritual system in that religion
was made null and void. Then, the followers of
that religion were divided into different sects and
bloodshed became commonplace among them.
When the spiritual system in any religion
was intact, that religion was good - whether it
be Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity or
any other faith. However, as these religions
expired, their followers fell prey to extremism,
sectarianism and even terrorism.
His Holiness Younus AlGohar explains, ‘God
loves all his creation but those who are not
connected to God fail to understand this truth;
they perceive they are the best ones and nobody
is equal to them. This gave rise to intolerance
and fanaticism.’
We are following our religions, but they are
not taking us anywhere. A religion dies because
God wants it to. Once a religion has died, it does
not go through a rebirth.
All the religions are now expired. When the
vital organs fail and do not function, either you
simply close your eyes and die, or you go for the
His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi
offers humanity the transplant they need to save
them from spiritual death.