You are unaware of the treasures hidden within you ! With spirituality , unlock your full potential and discover divinity within your own being .
TO CRITICISE OTHERS IS VERY EASY . Even if you are aware of the faults and disorders in your personality and character , it is never easy to change yourself . Those who can successfully change themselves are truly brave .
According to the Bible , ‘ God created man in his own image .’ [ GENESIS 1:27 ]
Similarly , the Koran asserts , ‘[ God ] is hiding behind the veils of yourself . Why don ’ t you peep into yourself ? [ KORAN 51:21 ] Prophet Mohammad elaborated on this verse .
He explained , ‘ One who has recognised himself has recognised God .’
This is the theme of spirituality . Self-realisation is factually and actually God-realisation . The famous poet of the East , Dr Allama Iqbal , said , ‘ Take the level of self-realisation to a degree where God recognises you .’
When you set out to explore God , you actually explore yourself .
The question is : how do we explore ourselves and what is self-realisation ? ‘ Self ’ has different meanings but here it refers to the wholeness of your being . Let ’ s assume the Self is like a house that you want to know fully . You ’ ll need to learn how many bedrooms , reception rooms and bathrooms there are ; you ’ ll have to be aware of the size of each room , which bedrooms are en suite and how many people they have the capacity to hold . You also want to know about the kitchen , dining room and garden . Knowing everything about your house is ‘ house-realisation ’, so to speak .
In self-realisation , the first thing you want to know is how many souls there are in your body . Then you ’ ll want to know their functions , their reach and ability to access different realms .
You want to know how to strengthen and make every possible use of the spirits in your body . If only one soul is active and the rest are in a dormant state , you need to understand how far in God-realisation it will take you and how spiritual you can become with that one activated soul . For example , if any of your souls are diseased and knowing that this disease could deprive you of that particular soul , you should know what measures need to be taken in order to cure it .