The Meridian Star Graduation 2020 | Page 72

72 • GRADUATION 2020 • NEWTON HIGH SCHOOL • THE MERIDIAN STAR JOHN DAVID WEST Valedictorian Good evening, everyone. I would like to thank everyone for coming out tonight in celebrating the senior class of 2020. I would like to thank my family for the support they have given me throughout my life. To the teachers, I give special thanks for all that you have done for us. We could not have made it this far without you. As your valedictorian of the class of 2020, I would like to say to my fellow seniors, we have made great achievements over these last four years and it has been an honor to know all of you. Looking back to the beginning of our time here, freshman year was a whole new world for all of us. I’m sure a lot of us were nervous. I know I was. Despite the new environment, we adjusted and made it through the struggles of the first year. During sophomore year, we started to become more familiar with our surroundings and we started making new friends. Junior year produced new opportunities for us. We were able to join some extracurricular clubs and we were able to go to prom. Along with these new benefits came a fair share of challenges and pressures, like the ACT and dual credit courses. This last year, our senior year, has probably been the easiest for some of us. A few of us did not even have to go to school for the full day due to earning so many credits previously. However, this has also been the time we experienced something no previous class had experienced, a pandemic. None of us could have known a few short weeks ago that it would be our last time together. Life is full of questions and uncertainty. Many of us are feeling that now. None of us know what lies in our future. As we move forward and make plans for school or careers, some of you may not have any idea what to do. Keep in mind this quote from Mark Twain....”Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Do what you love. Find something you are passionate about, and pursue that passion. To the new senior class of 2021, I leave you with the challenge to rise better. The motto that has always motivated me is “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Lead by example. Do not be discouraged by your shortcomings. Schools are here to teach you skills that you will need in your lives. If you struggle with any subject, it simply means that you will have to work a little harder than everyone else, since what comes easy to some may be more challenging to others. Also, be kind to others, and help in any way that you can. To all the rest of you, who have long since walked in our shoes, your journey is not over. Albert Einstein once said, “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” With that, I encourage everyone to continue learning because the process does not stop here. Your entire life is an opportunity to learn new things, make new friends, and have new experiences. Be wise. Seize every moment that you can. With those sentiments, please join me in saluting the Senior Class of 2020. 391027-1