Dear fellow classmates, faculty, family, and
I want to thank you for making this a memorable
Senior year. I came to Kemper Academy in the
eighth grade and have enjoyed my time here.
First, I want to thank my parents for the sacrifices
they made in helping me along this journey. I
could not have done it without my parents help
and the help of other family members along the
way pushing me to want more.
To the Class of Twenty-Twenty, even though our
year was cut short our memories will last forever.
This has been the longest Spring Break we have
ever had -- although we still had schoolwork to
do. Second, I want to thank all of our teachers for
their vested interest for our success. You have
shown us that even though some goals seem
unreachable they are actually obtainable.
I could stand up here and talk about the amazing
teachers and of course my classmates. Instead,
let’s reflect on what has happened to us as
a class: we have been able to solve difficult
math equations using Siri, we have been able to learn history thanks to Google, and we have also had the
pleasure of a friendly voice from Alexa to help with some of the mind numbing questions as well. All of
that aside, we will forever be a part of history being known as “the Rona class”. This is not how we pictured
our Senior year, nor our graduation night, but this proves we can embrace and overcome whatever should
come our way.
So, to the Class of Twenty-Twenty I say stay strong, be adaptable, and always treasure the memories we
have made!