The Meme Textbook Part 2: The Language of the Internet | Page 8

Longcat Cat memes have been popular since the begin- ning of the Internet and continue to be gen- erated into the present. An older meme is “Longcat” which is an image of a cat being held so that it’s body is extended. The original photo of “Longcat,” first appeared on 2chan around 2004. (Fig. 8) The cat, named Shiroi, was considered to have an unusually long body by the internet community and the meme’s popularity grew in 2006. It infiltrated popu- lar culture when it was featured on the show Tim And Eric on Adult Swim in 2007. There was also a single serving website with just an image of “Longcat.” It became a popular icon to be used offline as well, such as scarves made up of the cat’s body and snowmen of long- cats. “Longcat” memes often parodied the cat’s apparent size, such as a comparison chart with the world’s largest buildings or over a city as if it was a monster about to destroy the city. Also popular was extremely long images where the cat’s body would be extened through multi- ple backgrounds, often the sky or space. Since 2007, it has become an obsolete meme. Nyan Cat “Nyan Cat” or poptart cat was a meme that rose to popularity in 2011. It was a simple 8-bit .gif of a cat with a poptart body flying through space. (Fig. 9) A video was posted on Youtube with the looping gif backed by a Vocaloid song which repeated the word ‘nyan’ over and over. There were a number of games made using the nyan cat as a protagonist, as well as a number of computer extensions which replaced loading bars with a nyan cat followed by a rainbow. The combination of annoyance and cuteness made this meme an immediate success although it was short lived and no longer popular by 2012. fig. 8 fig. 9 8 | Part Two: The Language of the Internet