The Meme Textbook Part 2: The Language of the Internet | Page 15
Me Gusta
The “Me Gusta” face was created in 2012 by
Matt Oswald to express enjoyment for some-
thing. (Fig. 27) The meme uses the phrase
‘me gusta’ which means ‘I like it’ in Spanish.
Most “Rage Comics” with this face would por-
tray simple, relatable pleasures, such as seeing
your breath in cold weather. Variants of the
meme include “No Me Gusta,” to portray awk-
ward dislike and “Mucho Me Gusta” to por-
tray extreme enjoyment. (Fig. 24 and 25)
fig. 24
fig. 25
Forever Alone
The “Forever Alone” face was originally created
by FunnyJunk user Azuul in 2010. (Fig. 28)
The face is ued to express depression and diss-
apointement, especially in regards to relation-
ships. (Fig. 29) Formats for the meme ranged
from four panel and vertical comic pages, to that
of advice animals with top and bottom Impact
text and a centered face, although the radiat-
ing lines are mostly not present. The meme is
permanently associated with “friendzone” and
“fedora” culture. orever alone is also frequently
linked with “Feels Guy,” another “Rage Face”
used for expressing sympathy. (see page 21)
fig. 26
Fuck Yea
Posted to the /b/ board on 4chan in 2010, the
“Fuck Yea Guy” represents triumphant suc-
cess. He can be seen as the opposite of “Rage
Guy.” He is often used to represent relatable
successes, rather than grandios, such as drop-
ping a piece of buttered toast and having it land
butter side up. The exaggerated pose is remi-
niscent to an action movie protagonist so that
whatever success is illustrated in the comic is
seen as more emotionally impactful. (Fig. 30)
fig. 27
The Meme Textbook | 15