The Medieval Magazine No.99 / Vol 3 No 16 | Page 3

The medieval Magazine

Editors: Sandra Alvarez and Danielle Trynoski

Website: (This digital magazine is published bi-monthly.)

Cover Photo Credi: La Virge et l'Enfant entre saint Jean-Baptiste et saint Michel, Barnaba da Modena (14th c.). From the Petis Palais Museum, Avignon

Table of Contents

Regular Features

7 Medieval Minded - Nathen


10 Building the Medieval - Mosaic

34 Talk the Talk - Middle English


42 Londinium - Bad King John?

61 Travel Tips - Top 9 Medieval


4 Nine Years of Medieval History by Sandra Alvarez &

Peter Konieczny

5 Letter from the Editors

12 Early Medieval Art Traditions by Danielle Trynoski

22 Book Excerpt: Heroines of the Medieval World by

Sharon Bennett Connolly

37 A Byzantine Ancestor to Same-Sex Marriage? by Mark

J. Masterson

57 How Fashion adapted to Climate Change - in the Little

Ice Age by Lane Eagles