The Medieval Magazine No.24 | Page 2

The Medievalverse July 13, 2015

‘But Where are the Dungeons?’: How to Engage the Public at the Tower of London

A talk about how historical sites, like the Tower of London, engage the public. How to handle visitor expectations, what do people come t see and how to tell history in a captivating but accurate manner.

In a paper published in the world-leading scientific journal, Nature, Dr Conor Kostick’s research into medieval evidence for climate events to pinpoint the relationship between historical volcanic activity and severe winters.

Medievalist helps scientists rewrite climate records

terrain is the threat of avalanches.

How Christianity came to Europe

During the Middle Ages nearly all the lands of Europe converted to Christianity. In this short guide, we take a look at how various lands adopted Christianity, including by means of missionary efforts, politics and warfare.

Coverage of three papers from the International Medieval Congress on death, burial and the treatment of corpses

The Afterlife of the Dead: Reform in Attitude Towards Medieval Burials, Corpses and Bones

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