The Mazda Pharma Guide 7th October to 13th October | Página 18
or any industry to be successful in the present global
Third, exposure to high temperatures and heat-stress from
industrial scenario it is imperative to inculcate safety
chemical reactors and exposure to carcinogenic, mutagenic and
culture, consciousness in health and environment aspects in
teratogenic substances present in the reactor or released from the
each personnel of an organisation. Alas, in India, the incidents of
reactor during cleaning and maintenance work may also cause
fire accidents in pharmaceutical factories have been increasing at
catastrophic damage to the working force in the chemical factories.
an alarming rate. This is a matter of major concern and should be
Fourth, exposure to substances that can harm the nervous system
taken up seriously by the companies as well the authorities. In the
and exposure to suspended dust PM10 can give rise to respiratory
recent past, there has been a succession of fire accidents happening
in chemical factories in the outskirts of major cities and towns.
Earlier to that, there had been an explosion in a chemical factory in
All the process plants and utility services at have to be
designed and constructed by Consultants and contractors of reputed
Hyderabad which killed four people in Green Park at Polepalli
companies. The technologies have to be carefully selected based on
Pharma Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Jadcherla. Also perhaps
the proven track record of the respective consultants. Safety and
around the same time, an explosion at a chemical reactor was
reliability have to be the principal criteria in evaluation of the
reported which resulted in the death of two employees. The fire
technologies for the various plants and state of the art technological
department recovered charred bodies of two employees in a huge
innovations are being constantly incorporated in the plants to
fire at a pharmaceutical company at Patancheru about 50 kms from
upgrade them to the current level of expertise available in the field.
Hyderabad. It is high time that the pharmaceutical companies take
The consultants and principal contractors involved in the design
utmost care and precautions to avoid any kind of fire accidents in
and construction of various plants at manufacturing units have of to
their manufacturing units. Similar untoward incidents in
be of high repute. All the plants have to be provided with
pharmaceutical units could give a wrong expression to the world
sophisticated instrumentation for continuous monitoring of the
and may compel investors to look out for other safer zones in South
operating parameters and inherent safety has to be in-built in the
East Asian countries. Already the pharmaceutical industry has been
instrumentation system to provide audio visual annunciation on the
witnessi ng a slowdown on account of agitations locally and
control panels in case of any abnormality in the operating
economic slowdown in the international markets.
For this, there are several parameters which have to be
conditions to warn the operator. In case the abnormality persists or
exceeds a predetermined limit, a foolproof trip system has to be
considered study to make the manufacturing unit a safe place to
furnished to trip the plant and proceed to a safe shut down of the
work for the employees. These include Site, Construction Design,
concerned equipment or entire plant. Safety interlocks have been
Protection Zones, Process &Safety, Set up of fire & safety section,
provided at strategic points to eliminate possible human errors.
Information on preliminary hazard analysis, Safety relevant
Comprehensive fire–fighting facilities as per recommendation of
components, Special Design criteria, Instrument controls and
concerned authorities have to be provided at the site consisting of a
alarms, Major Hazardous installations, Information on the
network of underground fire hydrant system, fixed foam
Hazardous assessment, Safety systems, Maintenance & Inspection
installation for naphtha tank farm, smoke detector installation for
schedules and Implementation safety procedures. First, workers
empty bag storage, CO2 extinguishing system for turbo generator
and operators who are working in chemical factories near reactors
and mobile foam and fire tenders. The fire and safety section,
or blast furnaces should be mind full of accidents have to be always
headed by a trained officer, is manned round the clock by qualified
alert and cautious. This is essential because in most of the chemical
and trained personnel to tackle any kind of emergency. Safety
factories and chemical reactors there are possibilities of explosions
equipment like – walkie-talkie sets, Safety helmets, hand gloves,
from uncontrolled chemical reactions due to overpressure or due to
ear muffs goggles, face shields, gas masks, safety belts etc. have to
release of energy from exothermal reactions (a result of mechanical
be provided to all the concerned operating and maintenance
damage or corrosion).
Second, employees should also be cautious and take
personnel. While the significance of safety & health in
pharmaceutical industries has to be a vital issue in achieving
precautions against exposure to hazardous substances due to a
productivity and it also helps in having an edge over your
sudden release of toxic materials from reactors due to the work-
competitors in the global industrial arena.
related accident or as a result of human error.
7 October - 13 October 2013