The mazda pharma Guide 15th Julu - 21st july 2013 | Page 18


he Foreign Investment Promotion Board ( FIPB ) has cleared seven out of the ten FDI proposals

Tcame before it even as a decision is awaited on the

17.8 per cent during the five-year period 2003-04 to 2007-
08 . The Indian domestic pharmaceutical market size is estimated at US $ 10.76 billion in the year 2008 and was
final Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) policy in the
expected to grow at a high CAGR of 9.9 per cent till 2010
pharmaceutical sector . The FIPB , at its meeting held
and thereafter at a CAGR of 9.5 per cent till 2015 . With
recently , deferred three proposals for FDI while clearing the
these changes many Indian domestic drug companies have
seven , according to official sources . The cases were kept in
achieved global success . Many of these drug companies
suspension till the review process on the policy is finalized .
supply medicines to around 200 developing countries all
But will the FDI in pharmaceutical sector quietly
over the world at affordable price .
cleared by the UPA government , not hit the common man ' s
The FIPB , headed by Department of Economic
pocket sooner than later . Patents are the rights that are
Affairs Secretary ArvindMayaram , discussed 30 Foreign
granted by the state under the assumption that the inventor
Direct Investment ( FDI ) proposals , including 10 from
has spent resources for doing innovative research . Rights
pharma sector . The proposals which were discussed in the
are then granted for a certain period of time and during the
meeting included that of Singapore ' s GlaxoSmithKline ,
given period , the patent owner alone is the sole
USA ' s Mylan Inc ., Mauritius-based Castleton Investment ,
manufacturer of the drug and can thus determine and fix the
Mumbai- based Ferring Therapeutics and Hyderabad-based
price of it . There are patent laws that are enacted by the
Verdant Life Sciences . There were indications that all the
government and amended as and when necessary .
proposals would be deferred till a final policy is announced
India changed its Patent Act in 1970 and before that
after the ongoing review by the DIPP . Currently , India
we had a Patent Act that was crafted by the British to make
permits 100 per cent FDI in pharma sector through
profit for its country . In 2005 , India made one major
automatic approval route in the new projects but the foreign
amendment in its Patent Act by changing the duration of
investment in the existing pharma companies are allowed
patent period to twenty years , which earlier was for seven
only after FIPB ' s approval . The Department of Industrial
years . In addition , India made another important
Policy and Promotion ( DIPP ) had earlier raised concerns
amendment -- changed from ' process patent ' to ' product
over spate of acquisitions of domestic pharma firms by
patent '. In the process patent , another process can be used
multinationals . The Department had also asked the Finance
to manufacture the same drug but not in product patent .
Ministry to defer the proposals . FDI policy in the sector has
Both these changes along with a host of others were done at
already been discussed at the Prime Minister ' s level in
the behest of the World Trade Organization . The period of
December last year . Accordingly , all foreign investments in
35 years from 1970 to 2005 , equipped with shorter patent
existing domestic pharmaceutical firms were allowed only
period ( seven years ) and the process patent , Indian drug
after clearance by the FIPB . Since April 2000 , FDI of US
companies have achieved a phenomenal global success .
$ 10.3 billion has come into the pharmaceutical sector ,
According to the ministry of commerce and industry ,
nearly five per cent of the total foreign inflows the country
Government of India , report of the task force of December
has received . On an average about 25 per cent of the FIPB
12 , 2008 “ The Indian pharmaceutical sector is emerging as
agenda is related with pharmaceutical sector . The
one of the major contributors to Indian exports with export
government has constituted a high-level committee to take
earnings rising from a negligible amount in early 1990s to
a fresh look at the FDI policy . This is a welcome move .
Rs 29,139.57 crore ( US $ 7.24bn ) by 2007-08 . The exports of
drugs , pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals of India have
grown at a compounded annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of
18 THE MAZADA PHARMA GUIDE ●15 July - 21 July 2013