The mazda pharma Guide 15th Julu - 21st july 2013 | Page 16

EDITORIAL ................................................. 18
NEWS ......................................................... 32
Global Chemical Import Prices ..................... 44
Indian Chemical Export Prices ..................... 46
Import Statistics ............................................ 48
Expansion of Ethylene
Export Statistics ............................................ 52
Production.................................................... 36
Chemical Raw Material Prices ...................... 56
PHARMA NEWS ......................................... 62
Import Statistics .............................................. 70
Export Statistics .............................................. 72
NitroMemantine that reverses loss of brain
Pharmaceutical Raw Material Prices .............. 60
connections in Alzheimer ' s .......................... 66
D . P . C . O ........................................................... 74
ARTICLE Semi-automated , modular lab devices — new FHM 1000 series ................................................... 75
Product Wise Index ..................................... 77 Advertiser ’ s Index ............................. 96
16 THE MAZADA PHARMA GUIDE ●15 July - 21 July 2013