The Master Painter Australia - April 2016 Vol. 1 | Page 60

THE MASTER PAINTER AUSTRALIA 060 On the Funny Side Joe and Derek were employed to externally repaint a small community church. Being on the cheap side, they pinched and scraped to spend the absolute minimum on materials. When they were only part way through the job, they determined that they didn’t after all, have enough paint to complete the job. Not wishing to spend any more money, they decided they would just dilute the water-based paint they were using so that it would go further. They repeated this a couple more times before they finished, which caused a fading effect on the church as the paint got thinner. The painters had just about gotten to the top of the steeple, when, all of a sudden the sky darkened, and the rain started to pour down. As the paint streamed down the sides of the church, a voice boomed from the heavens: “Repaint, you thinners! Repaint, and thin no more!” Help contribute to our magazine The MasterPainter A U S T R A L I A The National Magazine for Master Painters Australia Limited Our magazines will effectively reach high caliber painting industry professionals, from business owners and operators right through to apprentices. We look forward to providing Industry updates and technical information to readers who are innovators with the purchasing power and the desire to buy and use your products and services on a day-to-day basis. Contact: Nick Koerbin m: 0418 568 093 e: [email protected] “painting a brighter future”