The Maritime Economist Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 43
voice of young generation
Unmanned autonomous vessel and maritime
robotics : Legged machines and humanoid robots
will make the ship and cargo operations easier and
quicker. Agile and walking robots will be used in
emergency rescue operations, for routine jobs
onboard, carriage and transferring cargoes and etc.
Unmanned autonomous vessels will play a significant
role in warfare. Moreover, fly boards will be observed
for rescue operations.
approaches (casual, re-active and pro-active) that the
maritime companies adopt are defined and applied to
the investment of new technology selection process.
Photos Courtesy of Bekir Sahin
Bekir Sahin,
Istanbul Technical
software technology for marine threat and monitoring
systems will have a high impact. Communication
systems, user interfaces and target detection issues
are the main emerging technologies in this field.
There exist many new innovations and technologies;
therefore, technology selection is vital for the
ship-owners and shipping companies. In order to
attract the importance of this subject, a scientific
article is presented at XII. International Logistics and
Supply Chain Congress, 30-31 October 2014, Istanbul,
Turkey, titled “An Approach For Technology Selection
Problem In Maritime Logistics”. According to this
paper, in a conventional holistic approach, technology
is firstly selected in terms of its cost. However, in the
step-wise manner, other factors such as reliability,
ergonomics, portability, financial, safety, environmental
dependence and operation including future vision
directly involve in to the selection process. Three main
ME Mag
Marine threat and monitoring technology : The
Bekir Sahin is a Research Fellow at Istanbul
Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey. He received
his B.Eng of Maritime Transportation and
Management Engineering (MTME) from Istanbul
University, Turkey in 2007, and his MSc of
Engineering Technology from University of
Houston, U.S. in 2011. Bekir Sahin is currently
a PhD candidate of Maritime Transportation
Engineering at Istanbul Technical University. His 3
research interests are marine technology and
technology management in the shipping industry.
He has several published journal papers as
well as conference presentations on technology
management, technology selection process and
engineering technology in the shipping industry. He
is married to Banu with a daughter. He can be
contacted at bekirs66 (at) gmail (dot) com.