The Maritime Economist Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 29
voice of professionals
Peter Lorange
The Lorange Institute of
Business, Zurich
He is the owner and the president of the
Lorange Institute of Business and one of the
world’s foremost business school academics.
For 15 years, he was the President of IMD,
Lausanne, one of Europe’s leading business
schools. Mr. Lorange was Professor of Strategy
at IMD and held the Nestlé Chair and then the
Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Chair of International
Shipping. In addition to his academic background,
Mr. Lorange has been a director on several
listed companies. Moreover, he has written or
edited twenty books and some 120 articles.
His area of special interest is global strategic
management, shipping company strategies,
management of academic institutions, strategic
planning and entrepreneurship for growth.
ME Mag
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