The Many Benefits Of Exercise For Depression Exercise For Depression Report | Page 29

Mental Exercise Now let’s take a look at some of the various forms of mental exercise that you can investigate to help you with conquering the state of depression. Yoga Yoga is an ancient discipline that touches both physical and mental aspects of a person’s life and also has the ability to develop greater levels of spiritual awareness. The natural result of continued Yoga practice is greater physical health, strength, and endurance, along with greater mental calm, clarity, and sense of wellbeing. There are many different branches of Yoga from which a practitioner can choose to learn and so it is important to find the one that works best for you. It is the perfect discipline to be used as a method of overcoming the state of depression because it encourages a completely holistic approach to life, includes mindfulness, breathing, and meditation within the practice, and provides calm to the mind, and peace to the spirit. Meditation This is another discipline that has many different forms and techniques that are used to develop greater control over the mind. 24 | P a g e