Ride reviews
(continued from pg 15)
Rather than being aggressive, I took the soft approach by being polite.
After all, we were on a private property and he had every right to question our presence.
The man was kind enough to allow us a passage through his oil palm estate.
We continued our journey to Kg Banja and it was a huge relief to see some paved road.
By the time we made our way to Teluk Intan, most of us were really tired.
From Kg Banja, we rode through a series of housing estates on the outskirts of Teluk Intan.
Just barely a kilometre away, Siang suffered cramps on his legs.
I passed on my muscle spray to him to remedy the aches and as soon as he was up and going, we began the final push to TnT guest house.
"Ah, your ETA is correct, we arrive here at 3pm..," said Siang.
Seems that on the weekend we were there, a cub prix race was taking place.
TnT guest house was Angela's choice after Hoover hotel.
This is a cosy place with clean rooms priced at RM50 a night.
There were some hoo-haas with the lady owner of this place, but we got the issues resolved and checked-into the rooms. A cold shower was in order.
The plan later in the day was a ride into town..