The Malaysian Foldie issue 17, Jan/Feb 2015 | Page 3

Editor's note

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the January/February issue of The Malaysian Foldie.

My apologies for publishing this journal late as I have been bogged down with work and the timing was such, there's hardly enough room to put together the articles in this magazine.

And from this month onwards, The Malaysian Foldie will be a bi-monthly publication.

This gives ample time to source for all articles related to the folding bike.

Okay, that said, in this issue, we examine a ride in Kapar, Klang where the situation is ideal for explorers on two wheels.

Moving on, Tern's Node D16 24" folding bike gets a scrutiny and lastly, Biologic launches their new cases for the iphone 6 and 6-plus.

In the months to come, I hope to bring you more interesting ride, personality, products and bike review articles.

Till then, take care and ride safe!
