The Malaysian Foldie issue 10, June 2014 | Page 3

Editor's note

WE have hit the mid-point of the year and I am happy to say that the folding bicycle community had grown in leaps and bounds.

It's amazing to see so many folding bike kakis at social events such as the KL and PJ Car Free Day and this is expected to boom as more cities in the country are starting their Car Free initiative.

While you are on the road, just be mindful of other road users such as motorcyclists and car owners.

And while we are on the subject of safety, do join me in offering some good thoughts and prayers to national athlete Kimberly Yap who was seriously injured while she was cycling along the Penchala Link.

From what I was made to understand, cycling on a closed highway (tolled roads) is a no-no.

This is mentioned in the Road Transport Act and we need to remind our fellow cyclists on the perils of cycling on highways.

On a brighter note, Kimberly is recovering from her ordeal.

Okay, May has also been an interesting month for us in the Malaysian Foldie as we conducted our social ride in Ipoh.

A small group of us had the previlage to ride with Ipoh's best and were taken to some cool places such as the Kellie's Castle and Tanjung Tualang.

We hope to repeat this with the Taiping Foldies Fan sometime in September as another ride is being planned which is co-hosted by our foldie brothers of the North.

Last but not least, cycling activities for our Muslim brothers and sisters will come to a brief halt as Ramadan begins on June 29, so, I would also like to take this oppurtunity to wish all of you "Selamat Berpuasa".
