The Malaysian Foldie issue 09. May 2014 | Page 20


Happenings and activities

Tern Social Ride Malaysia

Tern bicycle enthusiasts get together on KL Car Free day for a memorable ride around the city centre..

THE first Tern Social Ride in Kuala Lumpur attracted more than 50 Tern Bicycle owners who made their way to the KL City Hall where they met and rode out on a Car Free Sunday recently.

Among them were K2 Asia's General Manager Eddy Pang who came all the way from Singapore to join the Tern owners for the ride.

He said event was organised by K2 Asia in partnership with Van's Urban Bicycle Co. and My Bicycle Shop in hope to foster

goodwill among the brand's customers.

Eddy added that response was encouraging as Tern owners from all ages had convened at the City Hall building to register for the ride.

The day started off with a briefing by the organiser and a short two-loop ride around Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Sultan Ismail and the Golden Triangle area.

After the ride concluded, participants headed back to the Tern truck where activities were conducted.

Winning cyclists were given prizes for answering the right questions about Tern Bicycles.

This was followed by a Treasure Hunt around the city centre where passengers were tested with their knowledge about

Kuala Lumpur.

Those who took part had another round of cycling before the results from their find were tallied.

Representatives from K2 Asia, Van's Urban Bicycle Co. and My Bicycle shop presented prizes for the Treasure Hunt

winners including male and female contestant for the "best dressed contest".

Co-host Johnny Ng of My Bicycle Shop said most of the Tern owners had been excited about the ride and he was glad to

see such a good turnout.

"We convey the 'Go Green' message by cycling from our homes to the event ground and having seen so many fellow

cyclists and Tern owners who actually cycled and used public transport made this event even more meaningful."

More rides as such are being planned by the organizers in the future, so, if you are a Tern owner, be sure to keep tabs of

the development on Social Media sites such as Facebook.

ONE FOR THE ROAD: Tern bicycle owners posing for the camera after the ride and activities.