The Malaysian Foldie issue 06, February 2014 | Page 15

The biker's advocate

Setting the pace on bicycling advocacy

The curious case of the sign..

The bicycle signage on the Federal Highway's motorcycle lane has diasppeared, what happened to it?

WHAT happened to the bicycle sign on the Federal Highway?

The last time I saw it was in September 2013 and today, its barely noticeable.

We found that prior to our visit to the Federal Highway motorcycle lane, there were three signs visible to two-wheelers.

At a recent ride, there were only two left.

The Public Works Department who is responsible in maintaining the bike lanes from both sides of the Federal Highway was doing some upgrading work.

The missing bicycle sign does not mean that small two wheelers such as road, mountain and folding bikes are completely

barred from using the motorcycle lane.

However, cyclists must be alert at all times and never attempt to ride along this route alone even in broad daylight unless

one understands the risks involved.

Which brought us to the case of cyclist Chan Woei Shyong who was robbed and assaulted while waiting for a group of friends near Sungai Way, Petaling Jaya.

He has since recovered and is back on his saddle.

Danger aside, the Federal Highway's bike lane has long been connecting people from all divide.

It stretches from Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur to Klang and the length of this lane is roughly about 48km.

So, that said, if you ever hit the road from KL - Klang, remember to ride safe and always be on the alert for Bandits on the road..