The Maine Highlands has a collection of craft breweries that offer a vast variety of styles and flavors . One of the best ways to experience craft beer is by visiting brewery tasting rooms where you can sample a wide variety of brews and learn about the brewer ’ s methods . Plan your trip around the Maine Brewers Guild Beer Trail and sample flights in the Greater Bangor region .
Maine is known for its seafood , but also for home-grown potatoes , goat cheese , grains , blueberries , apples , maple products , pork , eggs , and fiddleheads , in season .
From small cafés and diners for a quick breakfast or lunch to brew pubs and fine dining restaurants for dinner , Maine ’ s culinary delights are easy to find and delicious all year-round .
For a local take on Indian , Mexican , Japanese , Chinese , Vietnamese , or Thai , try the downtowns in Bangor , Orono , and Brewer . If you love craft beer , you ’ ve come to the right place ! Maine has over 80 craft breweries that produce high quality , award winning , creative brews . In The Maine Highlands , you won ’ t leave hungry — or thirsty !
2 Feet Brewing Co ., Bangor twofeetbrewing . com Bangor Beer Co ., Bangor bangorbeerco . com Black Bear Brewing Co ., Orono facebook . com / blackbearmicrobrew Geaghan Bros . Brewing Co ., Bangor geaghans . com Mason ’ s Brewing Company , Brewer masonsbrewingcompany . com Marsh Island Brewing , Orono marshislandbrewing . com Orono Brewing Co ., Orono & Bangor oronobrewing . com Sea Dog Brewing Co ., Bangor seadogbrewing . com