The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times July 2014 | Page 99
Was Julius Caesar A White Man? Not On Your Life!
The African Roots of the Wrongly Painted Caesar
by Masach
Golden Coin of Julius Caesar
The face of Julius Caesar on his gold
aureus, Italy, Rome, 46 BC. From
Palmyra Heritage – The Manhattan Art
and Antique Centre New York
The significance of Julius Caesar in
history cannot be correctly established
without visiting his origins. He was a
descendant of the Trojan Aennas, the
only descendant of Priam that left that
besieged city with his breath.
When Aennas fled the burning city
secretly by night, he carried with him all
the idols of the temples and most of all
his royal black Trojan genes, Priam’s
brother was the Ethiopian king father of
the black Memnon so work it out, if that
makes him white.
His first stop was Africa in Libya, safely
welcomed by the black empress Dido
who fled Sidon to her ancestral home