The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times July 2014 | Page 81
Deep Wisdom Taken From Malcolm X in
His Famous Speech,“Afro-American History”
“But if you want to take the time to do research for yourself, I think you'll
find that on the African continent there was always, prior to the discovery
of America, there was always a higher level of history,
rather a higher level of culture and civilization, than that
which existed in Europe at the same time.
At least five thousand years ago they had a Black civilization in the Middle
East called the Sumerians. Now when they show you pictures of the
Sumerians they try and make you think that they were white people. But if
you go and read some of the ancient manuscripts or even read between the
lines of some of the current writers, you'll find that the Sumerian
civilization was a very dark-skinned civilization, and