The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times July 2014 | Page 66
(s.a.w) was born - in the `Year of the
Elephant', Abraha Al-Arsham - the
self styled emperor of Ethiopia and
Yemen tried to attack the Kaaba at
Mecca with a force of 40,000 men,
cavalry and armoured elephants. The
pale Arabs could not fight the
Ethiopians nor could they even defend
their own territory. The Arabs fled on
their camels to the top of the
mountains. This is a well-documented
fact in Islamic and Arabian history.
There is even a prophetic tradition,
which states that one of the signs of
"the end of time" would be that the
Abassynians [ancient word for blacks]
would attack and control Mecca for a
period of time. [Signs of the times =
ibn Kathir ]
until victory was achieved against
Russia and America respectively. Yet,
HIS storybooks tell us that pale Arabs
are the people who enslaved Africans!
SEE how millions of Arabs are unable
to fight a handful of Zionists in
Palestine today even though the Arabs
have a numerical (population) and
financial (oil wealth / petrol-dollars)
advantage. So how can Arabs have
enslaved a physically stronger nation
when they cannot even fight and
displace an occupier [pale Jews] who
are described in the Quran as people
who turn their back on you. [I.e.
cowards when it comes to fighting?]
Soon after the Last Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) passed away, the
Arabs moved out of the Arabian
Peninsula and went into Egypt to free
the indigenous Egyptian population
from the tyrannical rule of the
Romans. In 643 AC, Abdullah the new
Arab governor-general (viceroy) of
Egypt decided to go into the Heartland
of Africa against Ethiopia with a
larger and better-equipped army.
However, the Arabs suffered a major
and massive military defeat at the
hands of the Ethiopians where the
whole Arab army was wiped out. An
Arab historian of the period felt
compelled to admit that it was the most
devastating defeat ever suffered by an
Arab army. Thereafter, the Arabs
became more cautious, changed
direction and proceeded with revealing
the Last Message along the North
African coast, crossing into Spain in
SEE how the Iraqis 'fought' and
surrendered in the Gulf War and
compare with how the Afghans and
Vietnamese fought to the death or
However, Ethiopia remained the only
Christian State in Africa until the
arrival of the European colonialists.
Read 'The Destruction of Black