The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times July 2014 | Page 63
and edification of Arabs and their
Al Islam, according to many advocates
of Afrocentricity is not an indigenous
African religion and therefore African
people should reject it. [i.e. John
Hendrik Clarke, Chancellor Williams,
Dr Ben Youchannon]
Nothing could be further from the
Aside from the fact that The Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) his family (a.s),
and many of his companions were
pure black Arabs of African origin, the
basic principles of Islam do in fact
have their roots among the ancient
Africans i.e.
The unity of The Creator, Worship,
Life after death, Moral [community]
laws, Polygamy, Fasting, Showing
respect [not worship] to our ancestors,
Male and Female circumcision,
Judgement day to name a few.
The Quran came and confirmed some
of these ancient practices. Because
Islam [The peaceful submission to The
One Creator] was and is THE religion,
culture and spiritual expression of all
times, taking on various forms at
different times, locations, tribes,
languages and environments, while
fundamentally remaining the same
The Quran as revealed to the blessed
Muhammad (s.a.w) is the completion
[final revelation] of ALL those
spiritual expressions.
Yet the average Pan Africanist is so
engulfed in their zealousness for
countering the Eurocentric deception
of Africa and it's peoples [particularly
Egypt], that very little if any, research
is done on equally countering the
historical and ongoing deception of
Islam, Arabs and Africans.
The Kaffers [disbeliveers and enemies
of Al Islam] conceal the truth and are
constantly engaged in mass deception.
The increasing incidence by those who
accuse pale Arabs of enslaving
Africans, must be in response to the
fact that reversions to Islam is highest
amongst the African communities in
America and Europe. In other words,
the Kaffir's devious strategy of
enslaving Africans, taking them away
from Islam and Arabic [one of the
literate languages of their enslaved
ancestors] has FAILED and is
FAILING, after 500 years of trying.
And what a spectacular failure!