The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times July 2014 | Page 35

Ethiopia-Axum, the ancient dominant power in the region, gradually incorporated the African-Yemenites into its political sway. By 12th century B.C. Southern Arabia fell under the complete control of the Ethiopian-Axumites through their long domination of the Red Sea trade routes. The first kingdom built by the Ethiopian-Axumites in Arabia was Saba just across the straits in Yemen in 800 B.C. See Ephraim Isaac and Cain Felder, “Reflections on the Origins of the Ethiopian Civilization”, Eight International Conferences of Ethiopian Studies, November 1984. Successive civilisations of Mineans, Sabaeans and Himyarites interacted closely with their counterparts in Ethiopia. from the 5th and 6th centuries in the Yemen Hadramawt, suggesting that there may have been substantial immigration during that period. )