The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times July 2014 | Page 107
Revelation. I am Infallible from Allah
(swt). I am the storehouse of Allah’s
(swt) knowledge. I am the proof of
Allah (swt) for all that is in the
heavens and above the earths. I am the
one who stands for justice. I am the
Little Worm of the Earth. I am the
Violent Clamour. [1] I am the Clamour
which comes next. [2] I am the scream
of Truth the Day of Opening. I am the
one from whom nothing is hidden in
the heavens and Earth. I am the Hour,
which will be most tormenting for the
one who denies it. I am that book, of
which there is no doubt. I am the most
beautiful names, of which it is
commanded by Allah (swt) that He be
called by them. I am the Light from
which Moses (a.s) learned, and from
which he was guided. I am the splitter
of the moons. I am the one who will
bring the believers from their graves."
"I am the one who has a thousand
books from the books of the Prophets
(a.s). I am the one who speaks every
language of the world. I am the Lord
(sahib) of Noah (a.s), and the one who
rescued him. I am the Lord of Jonah
(a.s), and the one who saved him. I am
the companion of the Trumpet. I am
the raiser of those who are in the
graves. I am the Lord of the Day of
Resurrection. I have raised the
heavens by the permission and power
of my Lord. I am the Forgiving, the
Merciful (rahim), and indeed my
punishment is most painful."
"I am the one who, through me,
Ibrahim (a.s) the Friend submitted,
through me he held fast by my
bounty. I am the Staff of Moses (a.s),
which holds the forelock of all
creation. I am the one who gazed at
the Dominion (Malakoot), and did not
see anything other than me, and from
was hidden all other than me. I am the
one who encompasses creation.
Indeed, they shall grow until I return
them back to Allah (swt). I am the one
who for whom the Word in my
presence is not changed, and I am not
oppressive to the servants. I am the
friend of Allah (swt) in His Earth, the
one who take charge of His Command,
and the judge over His servants. I am
the one who, when he calls upon the
sun and the moon, they respond to