The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times July 2014 | Page 102
Now, one may argue that perhaps this
was an honest mistake that “Feed A
Child” do a lot of good work and they
have now apologised, but that doesn’t
sit right with me. I see this as the
white supremacist media testing the
waters to see what is socially
acceptable and seeing if they can get
away with it.
The message was blatant and
extreme. There was no mistake about
it. I can’t help but wonder how
recently there have been a lot of
prejudice “slip ups” happening even
amongst celebrities and it all looks
like a pattern to me. The United
States of Dajjal has a black President
– a puppet. This black face on a white
agenda, is wreaking havoc around
the world.
I believe that when the situation
escalates to the point of no return, it
will be the black population that will
pay for Obama’s mistakes and will be
marginalised and victimised in a
massive way. You look at history; it’s
always been that way with the white
supremacists. They gave a token
black President for him to take the
fall. And we are seeing it in the media
more and more now. Famous, well
known celebrities and their
prejudiced attacks on black people
showing their true colours and
exactly what these white capitalists
think of the black people. At the same
time, because some of them are so
idolised by the youth, they are
programming other white youth to
think the same. It’s all one big game.