The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #31, June 2015 | Page 16

The message I got upon completing the activation is that we are ASCENDING we are RISING and we are Returning to a divine state. We are returning to the 'Divine Star child'. There is an axiom in an Islamic Prophetic tradition that states, "If the riser emerges, all those whom saw that they were of this matter will go out of it and there shall enter into it the likeness of the worshippers of the sun and moon" Imam Jafar as Sadiq(a.s) It also 'dawned' on me that if `The Riser is rising`, then with the `Riser` comes an Ascension, should we not be embodying our ascending archetypes that awakened part of our 'self' that Rises up before the Sun? We are RISING and ascending, so it we must now align with our rising 'self', it’s a way we can align with the energies of what is to come right before it happens! As the forerunners who rise BEFORE the dawn of the Sun to greet the 'Great Sun'. We capture the moment before it happens and sit with it, in TIME/consciousness. It’s another key. The forerunners rise to greet the 'Sun'. We are swinging with the pendulum, in its momentum, surrendering in the flow. Within the 13 moons and their monthly phases, between the rising and setting of the suns. In the same way we are threading our PATHS through alternate dimensions, bringing to view each facet of the whole, until all that is hidden is again known. The weaving of the fabric of a NEW reality. Look around for the signs, do you not see how Islands are rising from the oceans? The earth, nature - all is a reflection of the cosmos, its telling the story, you only need listen. Begin to remember that YOU are a holographic being with unlimited facets from all timelines and alternate and potential realities, you can tap into all parts of yourself at any given moment, when we awaken to this Truth, we become who we are REALLY intended to be!